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Church History Biographical Database

John Powell

Birth Date
On 1822 October 31 (Born)
Death Date
On 1902 June 3 (Died)

John, his wife Fanny, children Mary, Fanny, John and Jessie sailed to America in 1851 on the ship Ellen.

from England with his wife and children; traveled in the company with an adopted son Thomas Gascoign (or Gasagon); clerk; from England; Jane White traveled with this family. Birth date confirmed by Oak City Ward records.  The obituary of his daughter Jessie mentions his travel to Utah.


1822 October 31

Date Details

Occurred On 1822 October 31

Married Fanny Chamberlain

1842 November 13 (Age 20)

Traveled in Canute Peterson Company (1856)

1856 June 27 – September 16 (Age 33) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1856 June 27
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 September 16
Company Arrived


1902 June 3 (Age 79)
John Powell (1822 - 1902) Profile
John Powell (1822 - 1902) Profile

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