undefined undefined John Smith Hyatt | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Smith Hyatt

Birth Date
On 1832 August 12 (Born)
Death Date
On 1911 December 25 (Died)

John and his parents arrived in California on the ship Brooklyn in 1846. He traveled to Utah in 1848 with the Ebenezer Brown Company . His obituary and a 1897 published recollection mistakenly reported the year of his travel to Utah as 1847. He returned from Utah to California to get his parents, Elisha and Matilda Hyatt, along with his younger sister (Helen) in 1852.


1832 August 12

Date Details

Occurred On 1832 August 12

Traveled in Ebenezer Brown Company (1848)

1848 August 12 – October 10 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1848 August 12
Joined Company
Ended On 1848 October 10
Company Arrived

Traveled in Parley P. Pratt Company (1852)

1852 September 14 – October 18 (Age 20) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 September 14
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 October 18
Company Arrived


1911 December 25 (Age 79)
John Smith Hyatt (1832 - 1911) Profile
John Smith Hyatt (1832 - 1911) Profile


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