undefined undefined John Spencer, Sr. | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Spencer, Sr.

Birth Date
On 1822 June 19 (Born)
Death Date
On 1907 January 8 (Died)

The Spencer family came to Utah in either 1863 or 1864. They likely came in 1863, the year they took a PEF loan for their emigration and sailed to America. The Spencer family sailed to America in 1863 on the ship Amazon.  But the first documentation to place them in Utah are church ordinances performed in May 1865 which was prior to the arrival of that season's emigration. Further research is needed to narrow the year of their travel.


1822 June 19

Date Details

Occurred On 1822 June 19

Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)

1847 – 1868 (Age 24) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1847
Joined Company
Ended On 1868
Company Arrived

Married Elizabeth Ball

1849 May 6 (Age 26)


1907 January 8 (Age 84)
John Spencer Sr. (1822 - 1907) Profile
John Spencer Sr. (1822 - 1907) Profile

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