John Taylor Harmon
John was born at Pueblo, Colorado, a son of James and Mary Ann Smithson Harmon. His parents were en route from Mississippi to the Great Salt Lake Valley in 1846 when they stopped at Pueblo, Colorado for the winter. John was born the following April. In 1847 the family continued on to Utah in company with members of the Mormon Battalion Sick Detachment under the leadership of James Brown (see the Book of the Pioneers entries for sons James Bartlett Harmon, John Taylor Harmon and daughter Josephine Evans--vol. 1, p 226, 304 and 305.) In the 1860 Utah census he is listed as "Jno. Harmell."
1847 April 6
Date Details
Occurred On 1847 April 6
Traveled in Mississippi Company (1847)
1847 April 6 (Age 0) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1847 April 6
Born en Route
Ended Circa 1847
Company Arrived
1926 March 1 (Age 78)