Joseph Astle

Birth Date
On 1829 October 28 (Born)
Death Date
Circa 1862 (Died)

Joseph crossed the Atlantic on the ship Henry Ware in 1849 and from 1849 to 1850 he was an Elder in the New Orleans, Louisiana Branch of the Church.  Branch records then indicate that he removed to St. Louis.  In August 1850, at the time of the federal census, he was living with the Bamford family in District No. 21, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.  On 25 September 1850, according to the Frontier Guardian newspaper, he married Esther Bamford at Kanesville, Iowa.  They were members of the "Browning Camp" and the Brownings were part of the Henry W. Miller Company.  Esther had sailed to America in 1849 on the ship Berlin.  Both Joseph and Esther were re-baptized at Salt Lake City on 6 November 1852; they were living in the Fifteenth Ward.

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1829 October 28

Date Details

Occurred On 1829 October 28

Traveled in Henry W. Miller Company (1852)

1852 July 8 – September 10 (Age 22) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 July 8
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 10
Company Arrived


1862 (Age 33)
