undefined undefined Joseph Newman | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Joseph Newman

Birth Date
On 1809 May 28 (Born)
Death Date
On 1877 July 21 (Died)

The Newman family sailed to America in 1853 on the ship Elvira Owen.

His birth date is confirmed by his birth record in "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975".


1809 May 28

Date Details

Occurred On 1809 May 28

Married Elizabeth Hughes

1834 October 27 (Age 25)

Traveled in Claudius V. Spencer Company (1853)

1853 June 3 – September 17 (Age 44) Pioneers in Company

Married Elizabeth Payne

1862 June 14 (Age 53)


1877 July 21 (Age 68)
Joseph Newman (1809 - 1877) Profile
Joseph Newman (1809 - 1877) Profile


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