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Church History Biographical Database

Joseph Sandall

Birth Date
On 1851 June 13 (Born)
Death Date
On 1916 August 28 (Died)

In a brief "History of Thomas Sandall Sr. Family" written by Mrs. Irvin Hennefer of Layton, Utah and found in the "Memories Section" of Thomas' Family Tree, the author, a daughter of Annie Sandall, says that a son named Hyrum died in Boston from measles on 9 July 1860. Lucy, another member of the family, age 2, died 16 July 1860, just four days before the trek began.


1851 June 13

Date Details

Occurred On 1851 June 13

Traveled in William Budge Company (1860)

1860 July 20 – October 5 (Age 9) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1860 July 20
Joined Company
Ended On 1860 October 5
Company Arrived

Married Sarah Ellen Hodson

1875 June 3 (Age 23)


1916 August 28 (Age 65)

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