undefined undefined Joseph Smith Mitchell | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Joseph Smith Mitchell

Birth Date
On 1844 October 28 (Born)
Death Date
On 1915 June 14 (Died)

The Mitchell family initially traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Heber C. Kimball Company in 1848.  Benjamin Thomas was a Captain of Ten.  The Mitchell family included Benjamin and his three wives Lovina Buckwalter, Lois Judd, and Caroline Conrad, and four children Benjamin Thomas, Sarah Jane, Emily, and  Joseph Smith.


1844 October 28

Date Details

Occurred On 1844 October 28

Married Rosa Jarvis

1864 November 27 (Age 20)


1915 June 14 (Age 70)
Joseph Smith Mitchell (1844 - 1915) Profile
Joseph Smith Mitchell (1844 - 1915) Profile


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