undefined undefined Joshua Challis Hall | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Joshua Challis Hall

Birth Date
On 1814 June 11 (Born)
Death Date
On 1880 November 29 (Died)

His travel to Utah is mentioned in the obituary of his son Joshua.

Born in Mentz, Cayuga, New York, United States

1814 June 11
Johanna Challis
Joseph Hall

Date Details

Occurred On 1814 June 11

Married Sally Ann Bybee

1834 December 10 (Age 20)


1847 November 10 (Age 33)

Traveled in Benjamin Gardner Company (1852)

1852 June 2 – September 27 (Age 37) Pioneers in Company

Married Jane Wilson

1853 February 2 (Age 38)

Married Barbara Ann Cook

1853 April 16 – 1861 December 12 (Age 38)

Married Antoinette Morgan Allen

1856 February 11 (Age 41)

Died in Beaver, Beaver, Utah Territory, United States

1880 November 29 (Age 66)
Joshua Challis Hall Sr. (1814 - 1880) Profile
Joshua Challis Hall Sr. (1814 - 1880) Profile

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