undefined undefined Julia Ann Wheeler | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Julia Ann Wheeler

Alternate Names
Julia Ann Provost (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1816 September 23 (Born)
Death Date
On 1881 June 14 (Died)

The Provost family traveled to Utah in 1856. However, at some point they headed back East. Luke Provost died in Iowa in 1863, and evidence from biographical and church (Perpetual Emigrating Fund) records proves that the rest of the Provost family returned to Utah in 1863. Further research is needed to determine the name of the company they traveled with.


1816 September 23

Date Details

Occurred On 1816 September 23

Traveled in William B. Hodgetts Company (1856)

1856 July 30 – December 10 (Age 40) Pioneers in Company

Traveled in Company Unknown (1863)

1863 (Age 46) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1863
Joined Company
Circa 1863
Company Arrived


1881 June 14 (Age 64)
Julia Ann Wheeler (1816 - 1881) Profile
Julia Ann Wheeler (1816 - 1881) Profile


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