undefined undefined Keziah Turner Huntsman | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Keziah Turner Huntsman

Birth Date
On 1843 September 2 (Born)
Death Date
On 1866 April 14 (Died)

She was baptized in Salt Lake City on 26 October 1851.  The baptism record in Salt Lake Stake Record of Members incorrectly shows her given name as "Rozia," but the birth date on that record confirms that the baptism was performed for Keziah.


1843 September 2

Date Details

Occurred On 1843 September 2

Traveled in Harry Walton/Garden Grove Company (1851)

1851 May 17 – September 25 (Age 7) Pioneers in Company

Married Levi Huntsman

1862 January 1 (Age 18)


1866 April 14 (Age 22)



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