Church History Biographical Database
Leah Merritt
Leah was indirectly listed in the company roster in William Chipman's notebook under her husband Isaac Miles.
Leah's date of birth is not absolutely certain.The Centerville Ward records (at the time of her baptism 24 March 1867) state she was born 28 February 1819. A christening record was located for Leah and she was baptized into the Church of England 19 March 1820. The 1851 and 1861 Censuses indicate she was born in 1820. At this time, the birth information provided in the Centerville Ward record will be used.
Leah was not in Isaac's household in the 1870 or 1880 Censuses. She most likely died sometime before the 1870 Census was taken. Leah was baptized 24 March 1867. Therefore, she died sometime between 1867 and 1870.