Leo Hyrum Campbell

Birth Date
On 1916 May 21 (Born)
Death Date
On 1991 September 17 (Died)

Born in Milo, Bonneville, Idaho, United States

1916 May 21
Charlotte Rachel Davis
Hyrum Lemuel Campbell

Date Details

Occurred On 1916 May 21

Baptized by William A Tall

1924 September 6 (Age 8)

Served in Tongan Mission

1936 November 6 – 1939 May 7 (Age 20) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Missionary Activity Notes

Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Rigby, United States
Set Apart By
John H Taylor
Location Served

Date Details

Started On 1936 November 6
Set Apart
Ended On 1939 May 7
Mission Photo, Tonga 1938
Missionaries in the Tongan Mission meeting with their mission president, Emile C. Dunn
Leo Campbell on LDS Mission

Died in Coltman, Bonneville,Idaho, United States

1991 September 17 (Age 75)
Leo Hyrum Campbell (1916 - 1991) Profile
Leo Hyrum Campbell (1916 - 1991) Profile
Missionaries in the Tongan mission with their mission president ca 1937-40
Missionaries in the Tongan mission with their mission president ca 1937-40
Mission Photo, Tonga 1938
Mission Photo, Tonga 1938
Missionaries in the Tongan Mission meeting with their mission president, Emile C. Dunn, Between 1937 – 1938
Missionaries in the Tongan Mission meeting with their mission president, Emile C. Dunn, Between 1937 – 1938
Leo Campbell on LDS Mission, Between 1936 November 6 – 1939 May 7
Leo Campbell on LDS Mission, Between 1936 November 6 – 1939 May 7
