Leo Royal Balle
Born in Fremont, Wayne, Utah, United States
1890 December 31
Emma Eugenia Thustrup
Christian T Balle
Date Details
Occurred On 1890 December 31
Baptized by Soren Christian Thomsen, Balle
1898 December 31 (Age 8)
Served in California Mission
1919 September 30 – 1921 October 25 (Age 28) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes
About April 1, 1921 Elder Balle was assigned to train Elder Kasius. Elder O. F. Peterson returned to Phoenix to labor with Elder Balle, H. Bodily, and Kasius. Peterson leads the four elders in a singing quartet, cottage meetings, & street meetings to build favorable interest towards the church (Calimis 6:3). June 21, 1021 Elders Leo R. Balle and Marion Condie recently arrived in Winslow, Arizona where they will labor during the summer months. Enroute to Winslow the Elders visited the saints of Chino, Flagstaff, and St. Joseph. At the latter place they held a fine cottage meeting at the home of some investigators (Calimis 12:7).
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Fremont, Wayne, Utah, United States
Set Apart By
Richard Roswell Lyman
Served With
Location Served
Arizona Conference
Date Details
Started On 1919 September 30
Set Apart
On 1919 October 1
Departed from Home
Ended On 1921 October 25
Arrived at Home

Arizona Conference Missionaries December 5, 1920
California Mission, Arizona Conference April 18, 1921
Married Alpha Rozena Madsen
1923 May 23 (Age 32)
Died in Payson, Utah, Utah, United States
1955 September 11 (Age 64)
Leo Royal Balle (1890 - 1955) Profile

Arizona Conference Missionaries December 5, 1920
California Mission, Arizona Conference April 18, 1921