LePrelet Joseph Hopkins
He came to Utah in 1858 with Johnston's Army.
His name appears as "Reprillitt Hopkins" on the 1870 Utah census, as "Joseph Hopkins" on the 1880 Utah census, as "L. Joseph Hopkins" on the 1900 Utah census, and as "Leprelet J. Hopkins" on the 1910 Utah census.
1835 March 28
Date Details
Occurred On 1835 March 28
Traveled in Albert Sidney Johnston's Army (1857-1858)
1857 July 18 – 1858 June 26 (Age 22) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1857 July 18
Joined Company
Ended On 1858 June 26
Company Arrived
Married Ruth Jane Beebe
1862 November 1 (Age 27)
Married Ann Victoria Spendlove
1865 March 17 (Age 29)
1920 April 5 (Age 85)

LePrelet Joseph Hopkins (1835 - 1920) Profile