Levi Savage Waldron

Birth Date
On 1850 July 7 (Born)
Death Date
On 1936 March 9 (Died)

He was traveling with his mother and brother, Gillispie.  Gillispie is documented in this company and secondary sources indicate that Levi and his mother were with him. Further research is needed to confirm that these three traveled together.

His birth and death date are confirmed by his death certificate and the inscription on his gravestone. 

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1850 July 7

Date Details

Occurred On 1850 July 7

Traveled in Easton Kelsey Company (1851)

1851 June 29 – September 22 (Age 0) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1851 June 29
Joined Company
Ended On 1851 September 22
Company Arrived


1936 March 9 (Age 85)
Levi Savage Waldron (1850 - 1936) Profile
Levi Savage Waldron (1850 - 1936) Profile