undefined undefined Louisa Collings | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Louisa Collings

Birth Date
On 1846 November 1 (Born)
Death Date
On 1916 February 27 (Died)

The official death certificate gives a different death date (27 Feb.) than other sources (which record it as 26 Feb.)

The family sailed to America in 1856 on the ship Horizon,and the ship manifest lists their surname as “Collins.”


1846 November 1

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 November 1

Traveled in Edward Martin Company (1856)

1856 July 28 – November 30 (Age 9) Pioneers in Company

Married John Wesley Johnson

1863 March 6 (Age 16)


1916 February 27 (Age 69)
Louisa Collings (1846 - 1916) Profile
Louisa Collings (1846 - 1916) Profile


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