undefined undefined Louisa Lucy Catherine Cross | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Louisa Lucy Catherine Cross

Birth Date
On 1841 March 5 (Born)
Death Date
On 1927 August 10 (Died)

In 1850, Louisa and her parents emigrated to the United States. Sadly, her father died shortly after arriving to the new country. Louisa and her mother eventually continued to Utah arriving sometime in 1854. 

A biographical sketch on Louisa's Family Search page indicates that they may have traveled with the Pratt/Benson/Eldredge Company (1854). More research is required to confirm this information. 


1841 March 5

Date Details

Occurred On 1841 March 5

Traveled in Company Unknown (1854)

1854 (Age 12) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1854
Joined Company
Circa 1854
Company Arrived

Married Howard Orson Spencer

1860 April 18 (Age 19)


1927 August 10 (Age 86)
Louisa Lucy Catherine Cross (1841 - 1927) Profile
Louisa Lucy Catherine Cross (1841 - 1927) Profile

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