Lydia Ann Porter

Alternate Names
Lydia Ann Burns (Married Name)
Birth Date
Circa 1833 (Born)
Death Date
Circa 1850 June (Died)

John and his wife, Lydia Ann Porter, died en route of cholera.  Milton Dailey said that he and his wife Sarah cared for the orphaned child, James Christopher Burns, brought him to Lehi, Utah, and put him in the care of his grandparents, James Porter and his wife.  Further research is needed to determine the name of the company the two families traveled with. 

Her husband's death is documented in LIttleton's journal. The information in the journal seems to infer that Lydia was buried next to her husband, which would mean they died around the same time.

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Date Details

Occurred Circa 1833

Married John Burns

1848 (Age 15)

Traveled in Company Unknown (1850)

1850 – 1850 June (Age 16) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Circa 1850
Joined Company
Ended Circa 1850 June
Died en Route


1850 June (Age 17)
