undefined undefined Lydia Goldthwaite | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Lydia Goldthwaite

Alternate Names
Lydia Knight (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1812 June 9 (Born)
Death Date
On 1884 April 3 (Died)

Born in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

1812 June 9
Sally Burt
Jesse Goldthwaite

Date Details

Occurred On 1812 June 9

Baptized by Joseph Smith, Jr.

1833 October 23 (Age 21)

Married Newel Knight

1835 November 23 (Age 23)

Traveled in Edward Hunter Company (1850)

1850 June 29 – October 13 (Age 38) Pioneers in Company

Married John Dalton

1851 August 13 (Age 39)

Married James McClellan

1864 (Age 51)

Died in St. George, Washington, Utah Territory, United States

1884 April 3 (Age 71)
Lydia Goldthwaite (1812 - 1884) Profile
Lydia Goldthwaite (1812 - 1884) Profile

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