Mads Hansen

Birth Date
On 1830 December 6 (Born)
Death Date
On 1910 December 20 (Died)

The 1862 Humboldt ship manifest includes the names of the family members.  However, we know that they actually sailed to America on the ship Athenia because the New York Passenger List of arrivals includes the names of Mads and Mattie as arriving on that ship.  A daughter, Karen Marie, died while crossing the ocean.  

A secondary source states that the Hansen family may have come with the 1862 Ola N. Liljenquist pioneer company, but an emigration report printed in the Deseret News indicates that those who traveled on the Humboldt were in the charge of H. C. Hansen. H. C. Hansen traveled to Utah as a member of the Christian A. Madsen company. Further research is needed to confirm their travel with that company.

In 1866, the family lived in the Providence, Utah ward.

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1830 December 6

Date Details

Occurred On 1830 December 6

Traveled in Company Unknown (1862)

1862 (Age 31) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1862
Joined Company
Circa 1862
Company Arrived


1910 December 20 (Age 80)
Mads Hansen (1830 - 1910) Profile
Mads Hansen (1830 - 1910) Profile
