undefined undefined Madselia Andersen | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Madselia Andersen

Birth Date
On 1850 July 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1929 October 8 (Died)

Came on the ship Tuscarora with her family in 1857. Name is listed as "Milie" in the emigration report.

Birth and death dates listed were found in a personal, online family history record (such as Family Tree, Ancestry, or My Heritage), without accompanying documentation.  Further research is needed to verify its accuracy.


1850 July 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1850 July 27

Traveled in John Taylor Company (1860)

1860 May 24 – September 17 (Age 9) Pioneers in Company

Married John Edward Metcalf

1869 June 7 (Age 18)


1929 October 8 (Age 79)
Madselia Andersen (1850 - 1929) Profile
Madselia Andersen (1850 - 1929) Profile


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