Magnus Floren Rosenberg
Evidence from Perpetual Emigrating Fund records prove that the Rosenberg family traveled to Utah in 1862. They may have traveled with the 1862 Ola N. Liljenquist Company, but further research is needed to confirm that. His birth date is confirmed by the Lehi Ward records at the time of his rebaptism on 9 November 1862. Death date is confirmed by his death certificate. His surname is listed as "Rosenberg" on his gravestone, census, and obituary, but his death certificate lists his name as "Magnus F. Petersen."
1835 June 20
Date Details
Occurred On 1835 June 20
Married Johannah Jeppasdotter Olson
1861 April 10 (Age 25)
Traveled in Company Unknown (1862)
1862 (Age 26) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1862
Joined Company
Circa 1862
Company Arrived
1908 April 4 (Age 72)
Magnus Floren Rosenberg (1835 - 1908) Profile