undefined undefined Margaret Elizabeth Guymon | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Margaret Elizabeth Guymon

Birth Date
On 1846 September 29 (Born)
Death Date
On 1929 January 15 (Died)

The Guymon family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Aaron Johnson Company in 1850.  The family included Noah Guymon and children from his first wife Mary Jane, Lucinda Harris, and Emma Melissa; his second wife Margaret Elizabeth Johnson and their children Margaret Elizabeth and Martin Lewis; and his third wife, Elizabeth Ann Jones and their son William Albert.

Noah’s parents Thomas and Sarah Gordon, and his siblings Polly Ann and family, Barzilla and Family, and Melissa Jane were also in the company.

Her name is shown as "Margret Elizabeth Crandell" on her death certificate.

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1846 September 29

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 September 29


1929 January 15 (Age 82)
Margaret Elizabeth Guymon (1846 - 1929) Profile
Margaret Elizabeth Guymon (1846 - 1929) Profile


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