undefined undefined Margaret Manwaring | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Margaret Manwaring

Alternate Names
Margaret Roberts (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1820 December 10 (Christening)
Death Date
On 1888 August 13 (Died)

There is a discrepancy regarding her date of birth. England birth and christening records list her christening date as 10 December 1820, while her grave marker lists her birth date as 20 January 1821. Further research is needed to confirm her exact date of birth.


1820 December 10

Date Details

Occurred On 1820 December 10

Traveled in Cyrus H. Wheelock Company (1853)

1853 June 1 – October 6 (Age 32) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1853 June 1
Joined Company
Ended On 1853 October 6
Company Arrived

Married James Tillman Sanford Allred

1856 April 12 (Age 35)


1888 August 13 (Age 67)
Margaret Manwaring (1820 - 1888) Profile
Margaret Manwaring (1820 - 1888) Profile


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