Maria Jane Vaughan

Birth Date
On 1843 August 25 (Born)
Death Date
On 1927 October 18 (Died)

Although, Maria's family traveled to Utah in the John Smith Company (1860), it is believed that Maria traveled in the Walling Company (1860). Maria was not listed with her family in the John Smith Company roster, but a "Maria Vaughan" was listed in the Walling roster. Maria Jane Vaughan was the only Maria Vaughan listed in the Mormon Migration Database. Also, the Maria Vaughan listed in the Walling company was the same age as Maria Jane Vaughan. Finally, family tradition from Family Tree at states that Maria married David Brand on 29 April 1861 in Utah, which suggests she came to Utah sometime before the above mentioned date.

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Maria Jane Vaughan (1843 - 1927) Profile
Maria Jane Vaughan (1843 - 1927) Profile
