undefined undefined Martha Ann Edmiston | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Martha Ann Edmiston

Birth Date
On 1849 July 30 (Born)
Death Date
On 1888 November 5 (Died)

Circumstantial evidence from census records, church records, newspaper records and genealogical information proves the Edmiston family traveled to Utah in 1851. In the 1850 Iowa census the surname is spelled Edinson; in the 1852 "Registry of names of Persons Residing in the Various Wards as to Bishop's Reports, Great Salt Lake City," the surname is spelled Edminister.

Her birth and death dates are confirmed by the inscription on her gravestone which shows her name as "Martha Ediston Bundy."

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1849 July 30

Date Details

Occurred On 1849 July 30

Traveled in Company Unknown (1851)

1851 (Age 1) Pioneers in Company

Married Lauren Hotchkiss Roundy

1868 April 9 (Age 18)


1888 November 5 (Age 39)



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