undefined undefined Mary Ann Hunt | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Mary Ann Hunt

Alternate Names
Mary Ann Cornwall (Married Name)
Mary Ann Miles (Alternate Name)
Mary Ann Leicht (Alternate Name)
Mary Ann Nielson (Alternate Name)
Birth Date
On 1831 September 18 (Born)
Death Date
On 1928 June 24 (Died)

Mary Ann lived in England.  In 1854 she married George Leicht, a widower with several children; he died in 1857, so when Mary Ann embarked for America aboard the ship General McClellen in 1864 she was a widow with children from her husband's previous marriage and children of her own. She married John Cornwall aboard the ship General McClellen (see the 19 June 1864 letter of Thomas Evans Jeremy found on the Mormon Migration website.)  The family then crossed the plains in the William S. Warren Company.  In the 1870 Utah census her surname is spelled "Cornwell."


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1831 September 18

Date Details

Occurred On 1831 September 18

Traveled in William S. Warren Company (1864)

1864 July 22 – October 4 (Age 32) Pioneers in Company


1928 June 24 (Age 96)
Mary Ann Hunt (1831 - 1928) Profile
Mary Ann Hunt (1831 - 1928) Profile


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