undefined undefined Mary Ann Kay | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Mary Ann Kay

Birth Date
On 1836 April 20 (Born)
Death Date
On 1925 September 12 (Died)

Her name appears on the ship manifest of the 1862 John J. Boyd as "Mary Kay," and she is listed as a "spinster."  No family members accompanied her to America.

Mary Ann's obituary states that she came to Utah in 1862 with the James S. Brown pioneer company, but her name does not appear on the company list of passengers.  A secondary source states that she came to Utah in 1862 with the Homer Duncan pioneer company, and her name is listed in the "Report of Immigration" as "Mary Kay."  George and Elizabeth Kirkham are listed in this company also, and their names are also on the 1862 John J. Boyd ship manifest, so we feel that Mary Ann was with them in the 1862 Homer Duncan company.


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1836 April 20

Date Details

Occurred On 1836 April 20

Traveled in Homer Duncan Company (1862)

1862 July 22 – September 21 (Age 26) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1862 July 22
Joined Company
Ended On 1862 September 21
Company Arrived

Married George Openshaw

1863 March 21 (Age 26)


1925 September 12 (Age 89)
Mary Ann Kay (1836 - 1925) Profile
Mary Ann Kay (1836 - 1925) Profile

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