undefined undefined Mary Ann Levens | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Mary Ann Levens

Alternate Names
Mary Ann Robinson (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1839 January 9 (Born)
Death Date
On 1875 February 12 (Died)

Evidence from newspaper and church ordinance records proves that Emma and Mary Ann Levens came to Utah in 1852 or 1853. Emma's obituary states that she came in 1852; however, further research is needed to confirm their year of travel and the name of the company they traveled with. Their younger sister, Eliza, born 20 Oct. 1841, may have come with them.

Birth date is confirmed by Find A Grave website and her surname is "Robinson."

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1839 January 9

Date Details

Occurred On 1839 January 9

Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)

1847 – 1868 (Age 12) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1847
Joined Company
Ended On 1868
Company Arrived

Married John Robinson

1858 April 4 (Age 19)


1875 February 12 (Age 36)

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