undefined undefined Mary Ann Romney | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Mary Ann Romney

Birth Date
On 1848 May 20 (Born)
Death Date
On 1924 March 14 (Died)

The Romney family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Edward Hunter Company in 1850.  The family included Miles and Elizabeth Gaskell, and their children Elizabeth, Sarah, Joseph Gaskell, Brigham, Miles Park, Hiram Thomas Gaskell, and Mary Ann.

Her birth date is confirmed by her Death Certificate and her surname is "Lund."


1848 May 20

Date Details

Occurred On 1848 May 20


1924 March 14 (Age 75)
Mary Ann Romney (1848 - 1924) Profile
Mary Ann Romney (1848 - 1924) Profile



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