Mary Ann Wheeler

Birth Date
On 1830 January 17 (Born)
Death Date
On 1894 November 17 (Died)

The family sailed to America in 1856 on the ship Thornton, and Mary Ann is listed as a "Spinster" on the ship manifest.

There is a major discrepancy concerning her birth date.  Her birth information that we have located is as follows:

* FamilySearch:  12 February 1832

* Utah State History Cemeteries & Burials Database:  19 January 1838

* Mary Ann's obituary:  17 January 1830

* A history of her in FamilySearch says that some church records where she is listed with her parents:  17 January 1832.

The bottom line is that further research is needed to determine her actual date of birth.



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1830 January 17

Date Details

Occurred On 1830 January 17

Traveled in James G. Willie Company (1856)

1856 July 15 – November 9 (Age 26) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1856 July 15
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 November 9
Company Arrived

Married Ozias Kilbourn Jr.

1857 January 25 (Age 27)


1894 November 17 (Age 64)
Mary Ann Wheeler (1830 - 1894) Profile
Mary Ann Wheeler (1830 - 1894) Profile
