Mary Haydock
There has been some confusion as to whether Mary's surname was "Haydock" or "Haddock." She is listed on the 1856 Horizon ship manifest with the surname of "Haydock," as is her mother Elizabeth. It appears that members of this family who did not go to Utah kept the "Haddock" spelling, but Elizabeth and Mary changed the spelling to "Haydock" when they came to America. The Sanpete County, Utah Death Register, 1898-1905 shows her name as "Mary Haydock Luke." Contemporary primary sources also list her mother's surname as "Haydock."
The family sailed to America in 1856 on the ship Horizon.
1835 January 29
Date Details
Occurred On 1835 January 29
Traveled in Edward Martin Company (1856)
1856 July 28 – November 30 (Age 21) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1856 July 28
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 November 30
Company Arrived
Married William Luke Jr.
1857 January 10 (Age 21)
1904 January 5 (Age 68)

Mary Haydock (1835 - 1904) Profile