undefined undefined Mary Jane Simpson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Mary Jane Simpson

Birth Date
On 1838 June 22 (Born)
Death Date
On 1929 December 31 (Died)

Mary's presence in the 1850 Utah census indicates that she must have traveled with her mother, step-father, and step-brother, even though she does not appear on the company roster. Her death records are under her married name of "Fraughton."


1838 June 22

Date Details

Occurred On 1838 June 22

Traveled in Heber C. Kimball Company (1848)

1848 June 7 – September 24 (Age 9) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1848 June 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1848 September 24
Company Arrived

Married Henry Dorwart Sabin

1855 October 29 (Age 17)


1929 December 31 (Age 91)
Mary Jane Simpson (1838 - 1929) Profile
Mary Jane Simpson (1838 - 1929) Profile

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