undefined undefined Matilda Merch | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Matilda Merch

Alternate Names
Matilda Murch (Alternate Name)
Matilda Mursh (Alternate Name)
Matilda Pinney (Married Name)
Matilda Bleazard (Married Name)
Matilda Hardy (Married Name)
Matilda Shirts (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1824 July 29 (Born)
Death Date
On 1889 February 10 (Died)

Born in Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom

1824 July 29
Margeret Dora Simms
John Murch

Date Details

Occurred On 1824 July 29

Married Robert Charles Pinney

1843 February 7 (Age 18)

Traveled in Company Unknown (1854)

1854 (Age 29) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1854
Joined Company
Circa 1854
Company Arrived

Married John Hopwood Bleazard

1855 January 17 (Age 30)

Married Lewis Ogier Hardy

1857 March 12 (Age 32)

Died in Georgetown, Kane, Utah, United States

1889 February 10 (Age 64)


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