Melvyn Morris Cowan

Birth Date
On 1912 May 6 (Born)
Death Date
On 1937 November 5 (Died)

Born in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States

1912 May 6
Hazel Eva Morris
Richard Carl Cowan

Date Details

Occurred On 1912 May 6

Baptized by Joseph Barlow

1920 July 3 (Age 8)

Served in German and Austrian Mission

1934 November 14 – 1937 May 19 (Age 22) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes

 Released 19 May 1937 but remained to study and died 5 November 1937.

Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
United States
Set Apart By
George Albert Smith
Location Served
Germany and Austria

Date Details

Started On 1934 November 14
Set Apart
On 1934 November 15
Departed from Home
Ended On 1937 May 19
Mission Home Photo
President Welker and Missionaries Serving in German Austrian Mission
President Roy A. Welker and German Missionaries
German-Austrian Mission Conference
President Welker and Missionaries in the German Austrian Mission

Died in Berlin, Germany

1937 November 5 (Age 25)
Melvyn Morris Cowan (1912 - 1937) Profile
Melvyn Morris Cowan (1912 - 1937) Profile
Mission Home Photo
Mission Home Photo
President Welker and Missionaries Serving in German Austrian Mission,  1935 July 21
President Welker and Missionaries Serving in German Austrian Mission, 1935 July 21
President Roy A. Welker and German Missionaries,  1937 May 14
President Roy A. Welker and German Missionaries, 1937 May 14
German-Austrian Mission Conference,  1937
German-Austrian Mission Conference, 1937
President Welker and Missionaries in the German Austrian Mission
President Welker and Missionaries in the German Austrian Mission
