Nehemiah Wood Birdno

Birth Date
On 1824 February 2 (Born)
Death Date
On 1901 September 7 (Died)

He first came to the Valley in 1859, but at some point, he returned east because he is seen crossing the plains to the Valley again in the 1861 Milo Andrus Company. He served as a captain of ten in that second trip.

The article in "The Journal" mentions his travel to Utah with the 1859 Brown pioneer Company.

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1824 February 2

Date Details

Occurred On 1824 February 2

Traveled in James S. Brown Company (1859)

1859 June 13 – August 29 (Age 35) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Between 1859 June 13 – 14
Joined Company
Ended On 1859 August 29
Company Arrived

Married Mary Bird Farrell

1861 April 3 (Age 37)

Traveled in Milo Andrus Company (1861)

1861 July 7 – September 12 (Age 37) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1861 July 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1861 September 12
Company Arrived


1901 September 7 (Age 77)
Nehemiah Wood Birdno (1824 - 1901) Profile
Nehemiah Wood Birdno (1824 - 1901) Profile