Nephi Henry Duersch

Birth Date
On 1916 January 1 (Born)
Death Date
On 1974 July 2 (Died)

Born in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

1916 January 1
Lena Aeschbacher
Fredrick Duersch

Date Details

Occurred On 1916 January 1

Baptized by Elmer E Rigby

1924 February 24 (Age 8)

Served in Swiss and German Mission

1937 November 10 – 1938 January (Age 21) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Missionary Activity Notes
Transferred to the new West German Mission when Swiss-German and German-Austrian Missions were dissolved in the later part of 1937.
Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Pratt Ward, Teton Stake
Set Apart By
John H Taylor
Location Served
Swiss and German

Date Details

Started On 1937 November 10
Set Apart
Ended On 1938 January

Served in West German Mission

1938 January – 1940 April 22 (Age 22) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Missionary Activity Notes
Temporary transfer to Swiss Mission in Aug 1939.
Evacuation of missionaries to the states in Oct 1939 due to the war in Europe.
(SS Manhattan sailed Le Verdon France to NYC)
Location Served
West German

Date Details

Started On 1938 January
Ended On 1940 April 22
Missionaries and Friends, about August 1939
Elders in West Germany, 1939
Missionaries of the West German Mission - Frankfurt, May 30, 1939.
Elders in Nurnberg, Bavaria, Germany, 3 June, 1939
Missionaries, 1939


1974 July 2 (Age 58)
Nephi Henry Duersch (1916 - 1974) Profile
Nephi Henry Duersch (1916 - 1974) Profile
Missionaries and Friends, about August 1939
Missionaries and Friends, about August 1939
Elders in West Germany, 1939
Elders in West Germany, 1939
Missionaries of the West German Mission - Frankfurt, May 30, 1939.
Missionaries of the West German Mission - Frankfurt, May 30, 1939.
Elders in Nurnberg, Bavaria, Germany, 3 June, 1939
Elders in Nurnberg, Bavaria, Germany, 3 June, 1939
Missionaries, 1939
Missionaries, 1939
