Nephi Lorenzo Anderson

Birth Date
On 1900 April 24 (Born)
Death Date
On 1958 May 11 (Died)

Born in Benjamin, Utah, Utah, United States

1900 April 24
Jensine Mickelsen
Neils August Anderson

Date Details

Occurred On 1900 April 24

Baptized by Neils A Anderson

1908 May 9 (Age 8)

Served in California Mission

1921 January 11 – 1923 March 21 (Age 20) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes

One of eight new missionaries arriving in the California Mission that was mentioned in the mission newsletter on January 18, 1921. (Calimis 1:9); March 15, 1921 Elders Redd, Steward, and Anderson are serving together in Long Beach, California. (Calamis 5:4); Long Beach, July 9, 1921- A few days ago Elder Redd and Anderson were called to administer to a sick child whose parents were not members of the Church. A few days later the child died and the parents asked the missionaries to conduct the funeral services, not withstanding the fact that the grandfather of the child was a Methodist minister. (Calimis 13:9)

Priesthood Office
Residence When Called
Raymond, Alta, Canada
Served With
Location Served

Date Details

Started On 1921 January 11
Set Apart
On 1921 January 12
Departed from Home
Ended On 1923 March 21
Long Beach Conference, California Mission

Died in La Canada, Los Angeles, California, United States

1958 May 11 (Age 58)
Nephi Lorenzo Anderson (1900 - 1958) Profile
Nephi Lorenzo Anderson (1900 - 1958) Profile
Long Beach Conference, California Mission,  1922 June
Long Beach Conference, California Mission, 1922 June
