undefined undefined Nils Pehrsson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Nils Pehrsson

Birth Date
On 1815 August 20 (Born)
Death Date
On 1901 June 19 (Died)

The Pehrsson family arrived in New York on 29 May 1863 via the ship John J. Boyd. Their PEF record confirms they arrived in the Valley that year and the Brigham City record of members notes that "Niels Peterson"  with a traveling group of "6 persons" traveled with the 1863 Murdock Company. Nils' wife, Karna, died either shortly before the company left, or shortly after they left. She is likely the 6th person referred to.


1815 August 20

Date Details

Occurred On 1815 August 20

Traveled in John Riggs Murdock Company (1863)

1863 June 29 – September 2 (Age 47) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1863 June 29
Joined Company
Ended Between 1863 August 29 – September 2
Company Arrived


1901 June 19 (Age 85)

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