undefined undefined Norman Willard Ellertsen | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Norman Willard Ellertsen

Birth Date
On 1855 April 16 (Born)
Death Date
On 1930 January 10 (Died)

Son of Johan and Gertrude Lund Ellertson. Roster lists him as "M. Eilertsen."

He is not listed on the company roster, but it is likely he traveled with his parents due to his age.


1855 April 16

Date Details

Occurred On 1855 April 16

Traveled in Jacob F. Secrist/Noah T. Guymon Company (1855)

1855 June 13 – September 7 (Age 0) Pioneers in Company


1930 January 10 (Age 74)
Norman Willard Ellertsen (1855 - 1930) Profile
Norman Willard Ellertsen (1855 - 1930) Profile


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