Orrin Alonzo Perry
He traveled with his son and his brother's family. The Hindley company report states that a man named "A. Perry" traveled in John Coward's company of ten along with Henry Perry. The company report also records the presence of "W.A. Perry." Orrin Alonzo Perry is located in Utah in both 1860 and 1870 census records, along with his wife Jane McLaws Perry. Jane also traveled in the Hindley company. Evidence that he came to Utah in 1855 is confirmed by information found in Church financial records. Due to the combination of evidence, it is assumed that "W.A. Perry" and "A. Perry" are actually "Orrin Alonzo Perry."
1817 September 11
Date Details
Occurred On 1817 September 11
Traveled in John Hindley Company (1855)
1855 June 7 – September 3 (Age 37) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1855 June 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 September 3
Company Arrived
Married Jane McLaws
1856 March 18 (Age 38)
1901 June 29 (Age 83)