undefined undefined Parley Pratt Cutler | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Parley Pratt Cutler

Birth Date
On 1846 November 20 (Born)
Death Date
On 1906 December 14 (Died)

May have been in the Milo Andrus Company of 1850. In the 1850 Utah census he is listed as Parley Van Valkenburg (his widowed mother, Caroline Sophia Freeman Cutler, had married Peter Van Valkenberg.) But he also appears as Parley Criker in the household of his brother--Sheldon "Criker" (Sheldon Cutler).

FamilySearch shows his name as "Parley Leroy Cutler," but the inscription on his gravestone in Idaho and other shources show him as "Parley Pratt Cutler."

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1846 November 20

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 November 20

Traveled in Company Unknown (1850)

1850 (Age 3) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1850
Joined Company
Circa 1850
Company Arrived

Married Phebe Roxey Perry

1889 March 20 (Age 42)


1906 December 14 (Age 60)
Parley Pratt Cutler (1846 - 1906) Profile
Parley Pratt Cutler (1846 - 1906) Profile

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