Robert H. Collins
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1820 December
Joined Mormon Battalion Company D
Date Details
Started On 1846 July 16
Ended On 1847 July 16
Traveled in Company Unknown (1847)
Additional Information
Robert H. Collins married Mary Jane Mayberry at Nauvoo, Illinois on 6 February 1846. He was a member of Company D of the Mormon Battalion and marched all the way to California where he was discharged 16 July 1847.
In 1848 he received a real estate assignment at Salt Lake City and it was here that his re-baptism took place on 5 July 1848. His wife arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in 1848. The Utah Territorial Militia records show Robert living at "Cottonwood" in 1852. At the time of the 1852 Bishop's Report and the 1856 Utah Territorial census Robert and his family were living at "Little Cottonwood." Further research is needed to determine the name of the pioneer company with which he traveled to Utah from California.
Note on his birth date: He listed his birth date as December 1820 in his military pension records. This information along with a christening record dated 8 July 1821 support that he was born in 1820 and not 1822 as previously believed.