Robert Walton Burton

Birth Date
On 1826 April 29 (Born)
Death Date
On 1905 June 1 (Died)

Robert initially came to the Valley with his wife in 1851. According to the Kaysville Ward manuscript history, he is seen on the trail again in the winter of 1856 as part of the effort to rescue the members of the Church stranded on the plains of Wyoming. The record actually makes note of a "Reuben Burton, but Robert's family were the only Burtons in the area, so that is likely a mistake.

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1826 April 29

Date Details

Occurred On 1826 April 29

Traveled in Livingston and Kinkead Freight Train (1851)

1851 – 1851 September 15 (Age 24) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Circa 1851
Joined Company
Ended On 1851 September 15
Company Arrived

Traveled in Rescue Companies (1856)

1856 October 7 – December 15 (Age 30) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1856 October 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 December 15
Company Arrived


1905 June 1 (Age 79)
Robert Walton Burton (1826 - 1905) Profile
Robert Walton Burton (1826 - 1905) Profile


