Church History Biographical Database
Rosalia Ellen Cox
The Cox family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley in the John B. Walker Company in 1852. Their family included Frederick Walter and his three wives and their children. They were: Emeline Sally and their children Frederick Jr., William Arthur, Rosalia Ellen, Edwin Marion, and Emily Amelia, who was born en route.
The family's travel to Utah is mentioned in the obituary of Emeline.
Jemima Losee and their children Mary Adelaide, George Byron, and Esther Phelena.
Cordelia Calista Morely and their children Lovina Emeline, Therissa Emerett, and Sarah Ann.
Date Details
Occurred On 1846 February 22
Traveled in John B. Walker Company (1852)
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started Between 1852 June 26 – 30
Ended Between 1852 October 2 – 7
Married Benjamin Woodbury Driggs