Sage Treharne
Church records prove she arrived in Utah in 1852. Three of her sisters traveled on the William Morgan Company, but Sage does not appear on the roster with them. In a history, written by her children, it is stated that after the death of her parents in St. Louis, she joined Evan Greene's family and crossed the plains with them.
On the 1849 passenger list of the ship Buena Vista the surname is spelled "Treharn" and in the 1850 Iowa census it is spelled "Freehern". Death date determined by Utah Burials.
1832 November 27
Date Details
Occurred On 1832 November 27
Traveled in Allen Weeks Company (1852)
1852 July 13 – October 12 (Age 19) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1852 July 13
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 October 12
Company Arrived
Married Samuel Leigh
1868 (Age 35)
1897 March 29 (Age 64)

Sage Treharne (1832 - 1897) Profile