Samuel Comstock Snyder

Birth Date
On 1808 February 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1866 April 8 (Died)

Some sources place him in the 1848 Willard Richards company, but there is reason to doubt the accuracy of those sources because they are not contemporary. His name does appear on the 1849 Allen Taylor company report. Another evidence that he didn't come to Salt Lake in 1848 is that his name doesn't appear on the list of those who were allotted land that year.

He traveled with his family, his brother's family, and his mother.  His married daughters also traveled with the company with their husbands and children.

Samuel's death date is confirmed by his obituary.

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Born in Fort Ann, Washington, New York, United States

1808 February 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1808 February 14

Married Caroline Little Luce

1851 September 19 (Age 43)

Died in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States

1866 April 8 (Age 58)
Samuel Comstock Snyder (1808 - 1886) Profile
Samuel Comstock Snyder (1808 - 1886) Profile