Samund Gudmundsen

Alternate Names
Samuel Gudmundson (Alternate Name)
Birth Date
On 1831 May 13 (Born)
Death Date
On 1901 April 2 (Died)

Birth date is confirmed by the missionary register.

Captain of 5th Ten. His given name is spelled "Saamund" in some sources and his surname is also spelled "Gudmundsen" or "Gudmunson" in various sources.

He came on the ship, Monarch of the sea in1861where he married Ellen Marie Morck. 

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Samuel Gudmundson (1831 - 1901) Profile
Samuel Gudmundson (1831 - 1901) Profile
Samund Gudmundsen (1831 - 1901) Profile
Samund Gudmundsen (1831 - 1901) Profile
