undefined undefined Sarah Ann Arterbury | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Sarah Ann Arterbury

Alternate Names
Sarah Ann Church (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1824 May 4 (Born)
Death Date
On 1889 July 29 (Died)

Sarah Ann and her son Hyrum traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Abraham O. Smoot Company in 1847. 

Sarah's husband, Haden Wells Church, was a member of the Mormon Battalion and traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Mormon Battalion Sick Detachments in 1847.


1824 May 4

Date Details

Occurred On 1824 May 4

Married Haden Wells Church

1844 December 17 (Age 20)

Traveled in Abraham O. Smoot/George B. Wallace Company (1847)

1847 June 18 – September 29 (Age 23) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1847 June 18
Joined Company
Ended Between 1847 September 25 – 29
Company Arrived


1889 July 29 (Age 65)
Sarah Ann Arterbury (1824 - 1889) Profile
Sarah Ann Arterbury (1824 - 1889) Profile


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